Pint Perfect: How Many Shots Fit in a Pint Glass?

By Mel

Have you ever wondered to yourself how many shots are in a pint? It’s an important question to ask, especially if you’re hosting a party.

Whether it’s wine, beer, or liquor, each type of alcohol has its own serving size and quantity.

Getting the measurements correct might be the difference between having a good time at your party and having it fizzle out before the night is over.

A standard shot of liquor is typically 1.5 ounces or 44 milliliters. A typical pint glass holds 16 ounces of liquid, which equates to 11 standard shots of liquor.

A pint has eight shots or 375 milliliters. A magnum has 33 shots, or 1.5 liters while a half gallon has 39 shots or 64 ounces.

Knowing these measurements can come in handy for larger parties where having an accurate count is important for keeping track of costs and making sure people don’t overindulge.

Let’s now look at shot sizes in a bit more detail.

How Many Shots in a Pint and Liter

A standard pint, 375 milliliters, has eight shots. A liter has 22 shots. That means that if you had two pints of liquor, you would have 16 shots total.

For those who want to measure their drinking, many liquor stores offer bottles in the perfect size of 375ml. There are also smaller options, quarter pints (100ml or 3.4oz) and half pints (200ml or 6.8 fluid ounces).

Knowing the different measurement sizes is also important for bartenders, who need to know how many drinks they can serve from each bottle of alcohol.

If you’re looking for a smaller amount of liquor per shot, then a pint or two liters will be sufficient. You might want to consider serving smaller drinks with a half-ounce, or 15 milliliters, of liquor per shot. This would give you 64 shots total for two liters, or 32 shots for one pint.

If you need a larger amount, then the liter option is the best choice. You can get up to 22 shots from just one liter.

The important thing to remember is that pints and liters measure different amounts of liquor and also give you a different number of shots per container.

How Many Shots in Magnums and Half Gallons

If you’re looking for even larger amounts than what a liter can provide, then your next options up are magnums (1.5 liters) and half gallons (two liters).

A magnum will give you 33 shots while a half gallon gives 39 shots, enough to keep your party going all night long. Just make sure you have enough mixers to go around.

It’s important to remember that these larger sizes mean a higher alcohol content, so make sure you monitor your guests’ consumption to keep them safe.

If you’re hosting a party or event, knowing how many shots in a pint, liter, magnum, or half-gallon will help you properly estimate the amount of alcohol needed and make sure that everyone has an enjoyable time.

Shots In A Pint Of Vodka

A standard pint-sized bottle of vodka contains 8 standard shots or 12.7 ounces of vodka. A half-pint contains 4 shots ounces and a quarter-pint contains two shots.

If you’re serving cocktails with vodka as the main ingredient, then the number of shots per drink can vary depending on how much juice, soda, or other mixers are added.

How Many Shots Fit in a Pint

For example, a standard Cosmopolitan cocktail contains 1.5 ounces of vodka, so two and a half shots or two quarters are needed per drink.

It’s important to measure your ingredients accurately so that each guest gets the right amount of vodka in their drink. Knowing how many shots in a pint of vodka can help you estimate the amount of vodka needed for your guests and save you money in the long run.

How Many Shots in a Pint of Tequila

A pint of tequila usually comes in 375 milliliters and contains 8 shots. If you’re making margaritas for four people, then you will need one and a half shots of tequila per drink.

If you’re making something like a Paloma, which is a combination of equal parts tequila, grapefruit juice, and lime juice, then you will need two shots of tequila for each drink.

Most bars will serve drinks in larger glasses than what you would use at home, so it’s important to adjust your measurements accordingly. For instance, if you’re serving margaritas at your bar in 12-ounce glasses instead of 8-ounce glasses, you would need 12 shots of tequila instead of 8 shots.

How Many Shots In A Can Of Beer?

A can of beer contains 12 ounces of liquor. That’s the standard size for nearly all domestic beers and craft brews alike.

On average, one shot of hard liquor (such as whiskey, or vodka) is equal to 1.5 ounces. Generally speaking, there are around four shots of pure alcohol in one pint of beer.

The main difference between both is the Alcohol by Volume (ABV). Hard liquors usually have a much higher ABV of 40% compared to 4 – 7% for most beers. The exact ABV amount in beer varies further depending on the type and brand of beer being consumed.

For example, some light beers may have fewer calories and less alcohol content than other brands due to their lighter malt profile and low hop count. Similarly, craft beers tend to have higher alcohol content due to their unique ingredients and brewing processes.

It’s important to keep these differences in mind when calculating exactly how many shots are in one can of beer.

Measuring Alcohol Percentage in Drinks

Your drink of choice will determine how much alcohol is in each shot.

Drinks with a high alcoholic content will have more shots per pint, while drinks with low alcoholic content may have fewer shots per pint.

For example, vodka has 40% ABV (alcohol by volume). This means that one pint of vodka contains 11 standard-size shots or 8 ounces.

How Many Shots Fit in a Pint

On the other hand, beer has a lower ABV of around 4-7%. This means that one pint of beer contains 5 ounces of alcohol or 8 standard-size shots.

Not all drinks are created equal though, so your calculations will be different depending on what type of drink you’re serving. The number of spirits per shot will also vary depending on the brand and type of alcohol you are using and who is pouring the drinks.

If you’d like your drinks to be weak or strong it’s important that you adjust the measurements accordingly so that your guests have the best drinking experience possible.

Also, if you’re serving cocktails or mixed drinks, then there’ll actually be less liquor per drink because other ingredients like juices and sodas can significantly increase the volume of each drink while decreasing the number of spirits used per serving.

With that said, when making mixed drinks it’s important that you measure out your ingredients accurately so that each guest gets an appropriate amount of alcohol per drink.

Straight Spirits

Straight spirits, such as whiskey, vodka, or gin, have the highest alcohol content of any type of drink at 40% or higher.

In order to accurately measure the alcohol level in straight spirits, you will need an ABV (Alcohol By Volume) meter. This device measures the amount of pure ethanol present in the spirit by calculating its specific gravity.

The ABV reading is displayed on a small digital screen and can be used to calculate how much alcohol is in a given drink.

Beer and Wine

For beer and wine lovers, there are several ways to determine the alcoholic content of their favorite beverages. Most beers list their ABV on their labels, making it easy to compare different types of beer and identify which ones contain more alcohol than others.

Similarly, most wines also list their ABV on their labels for easy comparison.

As an additional alternative for beer and wine drinkers, there are online apps that can be used to calculate the ABV based on a particular bottle’s volume and its original gravity measurement.

Mixed Drinks

When it comes to mixed drinks like cocktails or punches, determining the exact amount of alcohol present can be difficult because each ingredient has its own individual ABV value that needs to be considered when calculating the overall amount of ethanol present.

Fortunately, there are several online tools available that make this process easier by allowing users to input all of the ingredients used in a particular recipe as well as their respective quantities before calculating an approximate total ABV value for the mixed drink in question. 

Final Thoughts

Knowing how much alcohol is in your favorite drinks is important information for anyone who likes indulging every once in a while.

While some drinks like straight spirits have an easily discernible ABV value due to their high alcoholic content, other beverages like beer and wine require a bit of calculation to determine the amount of alcohol they contain.

In terms of beer, understanding how many shots are in a pint can be very helpful in gauging just how strong your drink is and knowing when it’s time to call it quits.

It’s important that you keep these measurements in mind so that your party runs smoothly while still staying within the confines of responsible drinking.

About the author

Mel has always had a flair for the dramatic. After years of running her own cocktail bar, she's developed a reputation for creating new and exciting drinks - often with a twist that leaves guests wondering what they're drinking. These days, Mel writes for, where she shares her thoughts on all things drink-related.