Drinking Alcohol With a Straw? Do You Get Drunk Faster?

By Mel

It might seem like a silly question, but believe it or not, there’s actually some debate on the internet about whether or not you should drink alcohol with a straw. On one side of the argument, people say that drinking with a straw can help prevent tooth decay and staining. On the other side, people say that drinking with a straw doesn’t make any difference.

So which gives you a quicker buzz– chugging beer from a straw or sipping it from a glass?

The truth is that there’s no clear answer to this question. Although there is a lack of scientific studies on the matter, most experts agree that some pretty convincing arguments support this theory.

For one, drinking with a straw forces you to drink faster than you normally would. So this means that your body absorbs alcohol more quickly, giving you a quicker buzz than if you were to drink normally.

Alcohol Vapor

When drinking alcohol with a straw, you’re also actually inhaling the vapors of the drink each time you suck on the straw. This means that you’re getting a higher dose of alcohol with each breath, leading to a quicker and more intense buzz.

The vacant air space in the straw pulls these vapors into your lungs and the absorption of alcohol is therefore more rapid. This means that you’ll start to feel the effects of the alcohol much sooner than if you were drinking it normally.

The alcohol vapors travel to the alveoli in your lungs, diffusing directly into the bloodstream from there. This is one of the reasons why you might feel as if you have a stronger buzz when you’re drinking with a straw.

Upsides of  Drinking Alcohol With a Straw

Not only is there a chance of you getting a quicker buzz with drinking alcohol with a straw, there are also some other potential benefits to doing so.

  • Hygiene – One potential benefit is that using a straw when you drink can help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. This is because drinking with a straw limits the amount of contact that the mouth has cans and glass cups , cutting down on the spread of germs.
  • Ease – Another potential benefit to drinking with a straw is that it can make drinking alcohol more convenient and easier. Whether you’re at a party, in a bar, or out with friends, having a straw on hand can make it easier to drink alcohol without having to worry about spills or messes.
  • Convenience – Another potential benefit is that drinking with a straw can be more convenient in certain situations. For example, if you’re at a concert or sporting event, it can be easier to drink from a straw in order to avoid spilling.

Downsides of Drinking Alcohol With a Straw

Although there are some potential benefits to drinking with a straw, there are also a few downsides as well.

  • Cost – One potential issue is that drinking with a straw can be more expensive. This is because if you drink at home, you’ll need to purchase straws to use with your drinks.
  • Time – Another downside is that drinking with a straw can take up more of your time. This is because you’ll need to take the time to use a straw with each sip or swig, which can eat into your drinking time.
  • Gas – Drinking with a straw can cause you to experience more gas. This is because the alcohol vapors are being inhaled, which can lead to excess flatulence or bloating.
  • Sustainability – Another potential downside is that drinking with a straw can contribute to a greater amount of waste. This is because many straws are typically made from plastic, which can take a long time to biodegrade.
  • Social – Drinking with a straw can also have an impact on your social interactions. For example, if you’re at a party or other social gathering, using a straw when drinking can make it seem like you’re antisocial or not interested in talking to others.

Can you drink beer with a straw?

Although it’s not a commonly accepted practice, there is no shame in drinking beer with a straw! In fact, you may find that you enjoy the experience more than usual.

Drinking alcohol with a straw can have a few downsides, such as causing you to feel gassy or bloated. This is because when you drink with a straw, you’re sucking in more oxygen and CO2 than you would if you were drinking normally. This can lead to an increase in the amount of gas that your stomach produces, which can cause you to feel bloated and uncomfortable.

How does drinking through a straw cause bloating?

When you drink through a straw, the air that’s sucked in first gets trapped in your stomach. This can lead to excess gas in your GI track, which can’t escape and causes you to bloat. If you inhale too much air while using a straw to drink your alcohol, it can also cause flatulence and other uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms.

Can you drink beer faster using a straw?

How quickly you can finish a pint of beer may depend on a variety of factors, including the type of beer you’re drinking, your size and weight, as well as how quickly you drink (or in this case – suck) the beer.

Some people believe that drinking with a straw can speed up the process, but there is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, drinking beer too quickly through a straw can actually lead to more air being sucked into your stomach, which can cause you to feel a bit uncomfortable.

Final Thoughts

There is no right or wrong answer to the question of drinking alcohol with a straw, as the practice is a matter of personal preference. Whether you decide to use a straw or not, it’s important to be aware of the impact on the environment, as well as the potential downsides of drinking with a straw.

If you do prefer using a straw for drinking alcohol, there are some alternatives that you can consider, such as reusable metal straws that can be washed and reused, or or paper straws that can be composted after use.

Ultimately, the best choice will depend on your own personal preferences and priorities.

About the author

Mel has always had a flair for the dramatic. After years of running her own cocktail bar, she's developed a reputation for creating new and exciting drinks - often with a twist that leaves guests wondering what they're drinking. These days, Mel writes for liquidery.com, where she shares her thoughts on all things drink-related.